How to Get Chocolate Out of Linen?


  • Everyone loves chocolate - admit it! It’s one of the easiest ways to feel a moment of joy;
  • However, chocolate stains are not a pleasant thing to deal with, especially if you notice them later than you should;
  • In the article below, we will show you some easy ways on how to get chocolate out of linen in no time!

It’s hard to find a person around the world who doesn’t like chocolate. If someone claims so - they're probably lying! Anyway, with the joy of chocolate comes the pain of chocolate stains on your favorite clothes...

It’s no surprise that chocolate contains a considerable amount of fat that worsens the whole situation with stains. Therefore, it makes it trickier to remove the chocolate stain than it may initially seem. Especially, if the fabric is natural, such as linen.

However, there is no problem without a solution - that’s why we are about to show you the two most effective and easiest ways on how to get chocolate out of linen clothes, sheets, or tablecloths!

Removing Chocolate Stains Out of Linen: Laundry Detergent

STEP No. 1: Removing the excess of the chocolate.

  • Freeze the stain. This method is wonderful! Not only the stain will harden up and will be much easier to remove but it will also stop spreading. Therefore, simply drop your linen clothes in the freezer for about 15 minutes.
  • Scraping off the stain. After the stain is hardened up - it's time to take a sharp spatula or a butter knife and start scraping the chocolate off the linen garment. Please, be gentle and super careful!
  • Important: as you know, the chocolate-covered ice cream melts super fast as you unpack it - the same is with the frozen chocolate stain! Therefore, it is important to act fast and not to let the chocolate melt down.

STEP No. 2: Treating the stain.

  • Mix a solution from clean water, laundry detergent, and stain remover. Soak your linen sheets (or clothes) in it and let it sit there for 5 or 10 minutes before washing.
  • You can also gently rub the stain allowing the stain remover and laundry detergent to soak into the stained fabric more.

STEP No. 3: Washing the linen.

  • Easy as it may sound - drop your linen clothes or sheets into the washing machine and run under the regular washing cycle.
  • Make sure you follow the washing label of your laundry - some linen items can only be hand-washed or dry-cleaned, therefore you could damage your stuff irreparably.
  • If you are washing white linen clothes - you can even pour a scoop of bleach in the laundry detergent tray before washing. This will strengthen up the stain removing process and will whiten your linen garments, too. Important: Use only chlorine-free bleach as chlorine can damage the quality of linen fabric. In any case, use bleach wisely.
  • If you are washing dark linen clothes - never use bleach! Instead - go for basic laundry detergent for colorful fabrics.



Removing Chocolate Stains Out of Linen: White Vinegar + Hydrogen Peroxide

If you, for any reason, are not a fan of the first method, here is another effective way to get the chocolate stains out of the linen.

STEP No. 1: Create a stain removing solution.

Mix one part dish soap and two parts 3% diluted peroxide to create a stain remover that can be directly applied to the chocolate stain. The soap will remove grease and fat while the peroxide bleaches away any undesirable color.

  • Mix dish soap and hydrogen peroxide in parts: 1:2.
  • Apply the mixed stain removing solution directly to the stain.
  • Thanks to the dish soap - the grease will be removed.
  • Thanks to the hydrogen peroxide - all the remaining stain residue will disappear.
TIP: Don’t have a hydrogen peroxide, or want a more natural cleaning solution? Simply swap the hydrogen peroxide with the white vinegar.

STEP No. 2: Blot the stain with the solution.

  • Put on your gloves and take a clean piece of cloth (white would be the best).
  • Start blotting the stain that’s covered with the stain remover you made in the 1st step.
  • This way the stain remover will soak in the stain better.

STEP No. 3: Rinse the linen garments under the clean water.

  • Time to rinse your linens thoroughly! Use cold clean water for rinsing your laundry.
  • Repeat the process a couple of times checking if the stain has disappeared after each time.
  • Rinse the linen clothes up until the stain is no longer visible.

Now, after a couple of rinsing cycles, you might notice that the stain was not removed successfully. Don’t get upset! It might happen, especially if you noticed the chocolate stain a few hours or days later and it is pretty old.

In cases like this - calm down and repeat any of these methods explained above. This time - let the stain remover soak in the stain for a longer time.

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